Three years! Can you believe I’ve been at this for three years?! The last year especially has been great – I feel like I’ve met more readers in person than ever before and I think Twitter has helped a lot with that. What else has happened? Well, we got married! We went to Wales! We went to Brussels! We went to Rome! It was a big past year and this year is looking set to match it.

This blogging milestone really snuck up on me and it was last week when I realised it was already mid-May and what in the world was I going to do to celebrate this? Well, how about holding a giveaway; yes, I’m giving away stuff – foodstuffs that I really enjoy and hope that you will too. No company sponsored this – it’s all out of my own pocket.

Here’s what’s definitely in the food giveaway package:

A tin of limited edition garlic Spam, as seen in this post. It’s Monty Python themed!

Spam with Stinky French Garlic

A jar of Tean’s Gourmet crispy prawn chili, as featured here in this post.

Tean's Crispy Prawn Chilli

In addition, I’m going to personalise the box of goodies for the winner with a few selected extras, depending on where you’re located: what I mean is, if you’re in London, I doubt you want a jar of Marmite, for example. I’ve already got ideas of what to send if you’re in the UK or Europe, or you’re from the rest of the world, and I’ll be in contact with the winner to discuss this.

To be in with a chance to win it all, just leave a comment! It can be absolutely anything; heck, just drop by and say hi – I know there are a few of you out there and it would be great to “meet” you all! I’ll draw one of the comments randomly and that commenter will have all of this posted to them. The draw will take place on Monday, 31 May at 22:00 (BST) and I’ll announce the result soon after. I’ll leave the comments open so you can still say hi but of course, you won’t be eligible for the draw (sad face).

Thanks again to all the Tamarind and Thyme readers out there and I hope to “meet” more of you this upcoming year!