Last Saturday, I called together a group of friends (eleven of us in total) and enticed them over to Acton in West London by promising Sichuan hotpot, sweet and sour aubergine, and other spicy goodies. They were not disappointed with the spread!

The hotpot (half spicy, half non spicy – the non spicy side had loads of delectable fried garlic):

For the Hotpot

Spicy crab and other delights:

Spicy Sichuan Crab

Guangong beef, very tender and with lots of chilis and Sichuan peppercorns:

Guangong Beef

We even had two sweet and sour aubergines on the table and I forgot to take photos of them. One was as before, with the pork on top, but the other was ordered with no meat and was topped with peas and pineapple – delicious!

We even managed to find room for dessert! This was my first time having dessert there. These were toffee apples and bananas, deep fried in batter and covered with a thin layer of crisp toffee:


Oh, and I also forgot to take a photo of the other dessert we had – sweet potato pies, little fried mochi-like fritters. I’ll definitely be having dessert here again. Thanks for making it a great night, everyone!

All the photos from the night can be found in this Flickr set.

Sichuan Restaurant
116 Churchfield Road
London W3 6BY

Sichuan on Urbanspoon