Spurred on by Londonelicious’ call out to hear our perfect days in London, here’s (one of) mine!

09:30: Wake up. Roll over. Fall back asleep.

09:45: Crawl out of bed. Arrange hair in some semblance of neatness and head over to the farmers’ market to buy my usual produce. The day will be glorious – all blue skies and sun but not too hot! Drop in at my local Portuguese place for a meia de leite (half milk, half coffee) and a pastry or three. Or a fry-up down the road the other way if I’m in that kind of mood.

11:00: Head to the National Gallery with Blai (hey, it’s the company that counts too!).

12:00: Lunch at Barrafina. Originally, I’d thought about a picnic but then I had a gorgeous lunch at Barrafina recently (blog post to come) and I want to eat there again! If I had loads of money, I’d be a regular there.

14:00: Over to La Maison du Chocolat for a few chocolates for dessert. Wander over to Minamoto Kitchoan next door for a little pastry as well. Since I’m quite rich on this perfect Saturday, I’ll buy lots to take home too.

15:00: Finally make our way to Temple Church for a visit. After, if there’s time, walk through St James’s Park.

16:30: Tea time! Head over to Laduree for some macarons and uh…maybe some hot chocolate? Do they do tea?

18:00: Time for some clothes shopping. I wouldn’t mind a new dress from one of the shops on Regent Street. Blai would head over to Charing Cross Road and buy another instrument for his collection.

19:00: If I could squeeze one in, perhaps a little concert or a short opera. If not, we’ll spend an hour or two at Foyles, where again, we miraculously have lots of money and therefore purchase lots of books.

21:00: Dinner at La Trompette. I’m pretend rich, remember? Three courses, please.

Midnight: Arrive home.

I’ll post a link to the full roundup here when it comes out. I want to read yours!